Tuesday 31 July 2018

President's Plans

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     The State of the Nation Address is an annual address by the Philippine President which serve as a means to inform the nation about its present, economic, political and social conditions. President Rodrigo Duterte delivered his third SONA on July 23, 2018 at Batasang Pambansa, Complex, Quezon City. He presented his accomplishments and plans for our nation.

     The President discussed many issues in the Philippines. he emphasizes that the war on drugs will continue. he also said that corruption must stop and the budget of Mindanao is being increased. He mentioned the fight against 'endo', he promised to address illegal contractualization. Duterte said that he will restore Boracay. 

     Many people are anticipating on the outcome of his campaign on war on drugs and his motto "change is coming". Many Filipinos hope that the President's plans will be achieved. we all wish that the Philippines will be progressive under his presidency.


Planting is the Key to Healthy Living

Image result for nutrition month 2018 theme philippines

     The Nutrition Month is held annually during the month of July. It is celebrated to value the importance of nutrition among Filipinos. This year is the 44th Nutrition Month Celebration. The theme is "Ugaliing magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin!"

     The theme means that we need to plant so that we can harvest proper nutrition that can sustain our body. The source of vitamins and minerals are from fruits and vegetables. However, some studies have found that some fruits and vegetables are inorganic and are dangerous because it has elements that can harm our body. In this case, we should be smart in buying. The best thing to do is to plant our own fruits and vegetables.

     We need to have a healthy diet to maintain and improve our health. Many supplements can be bought at any drugstores which can help to get enough essential nutrients to our body but eating fruits, vegetables and nutritious foods are better that taking these. We should plant fruits and vegetables so we can harvest it to have a supply of nutrition that can develop our health.

Source: National Nutrition Council

Thursday 12 July 2018

To the Leader of the Filipinos

Dear Mr. President,

     Being the President of our country must be really exciting and at the same time stressful to you. You have proven us your worth and capability. For nearly two years of your leadership. You put our government in abrupt change and still counting of your "change is coming" motto.

     Mr. President, let me be honest in saying to you that you are both good and bad as a leader of the Filipino people. You are definitely better than the previous Philippine presidents in the matter of decisive action and possessing political will.

     Hence, I wish you well.

     Thou I wish you as well and pray that you would have just been our father, who discipline yet care for our only lives, that you really care for our future.

     I am just a Grade 10 student, I am not an activist or a critic of your leadership.

     Hope you will get to read this open letter and that my noble intentions would somehow merit your kind consideration and understanding.

     Thank you and may God bless the Philippines under your leadership.

Respectfully yours,

                                                                 Charls Kenneth Rugnao

Thursday 5 July 2018

The Day We Gained Our Freedom

     On the 12th day of June, we, Filipinos, celebrate the Independence Day of our country. It is one of the most significant event in the Philippine history. It marks the nation's independence from the Spanish colonials who colonized our country. It is the day that our country reminisce the past memories or experiences of our ancestors during the colonization. Why is the Independence Day very important?

     Independence day is celebrated for the struggles, courage and sacrifices of our ancestors. During this day, the Philippine flag is flown everywhere. It is a special holiday so government offices are closed and there's no classes in all schools. many Filipinos spend the day in parks and  malls or at home. The Filipinos abroad also celebrate the Independence day.

     It is important to celebrate the Independence day of our country. This day represents the Declaration of our Independence. This day is the day that we should thank our ancestors. It is the day where we value and give importance to their sacrifices. We should celebrate this to show our love for the day we gained our freedom. 
