Thursday 5 July 2018

The Day We Gained Our Freedom

     On the 12th day of June, we, Filipinos, celebrate the Independence Day of our country. It is one of the most significant event in the Philippine history. It marks the nation's independence from the Spanish colonials who colonized our country. It is the day that our country reminisce the past memories or experiences of our ancestors during the colonization. Why is the Independence Day very important?

     Independence day is celebrated for the struggles, courage and sacrifices of our ancestors. During this day, the Philippine flag is flown everywhere. It is a special holiday so government offices are closed and there's no classes in all schools. many Filipinos spend the day in parks and  malls or at home. The Filipinos abroad also celebrate the Independence day.

     It is important to celebrate the Independence day of our country. This day represents the Declaration of our Independence. This day is the day that we should thank our ancestors. It is the day where we value and give importance to their sacrifices. We should celebrate this to show our love for the day we gained our freedom. 


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