Sunday 21 October 2018

Celebration of Science amd Technology

     The month of September is the Science Club Month. Many activities were conducted during this month which aim to promote Public Unferstanding of Science, Technology and Environment. It also boost scientific conciousmess among the youth amd ecourage the youth to participate actively in Science Clubbing Movement.

     The theme for the 2018 Science Club Month is "Wavefront:  Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements". This theme focuses on Michael Faraday's discovery of electricity and magnetism. It also assigns the youth the responsibility or role of accentuating potentials and activating technological advancements.

  It isimportant to celebrate the Science Month To commemorate the life and work of great scientists. The world as we know it today exists because innovators and scientists in the past devoted their entire lives for research, innovation and development of technologies. 

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