Monday 11 February 2019

Kannawidan Festival

     The beautiful province of Ilocos Sur is located in the northern part of Luzon. It is rich in culture that represents the ancient Spanish and Filipino heritage.

     Kannawidan festival is celebrated on the last week of January up to the first week of February. It commemorates the foundation day of the province. It is celebrated to show and share the treasure and cultural traditions to the whole world. The old and the new in Ilocano culture are both featured in this year’s Kannawidan. 

     The festival offers activities to show how part of the culture of the people of Ilocos Sur has modified through the years. The Kannawidan festival was also an occasion to strengthen the Ilocano culture, recognize Ilocos Sur’s sons and daughters who brought honor to the province, celebrate abundant harvest or just to celebrate the Ilocano spirit that continues to drive locals to boost the province.

Be the Change

     Change comes about everyday of our life. The world is constantly changing and we have to adapt these changes. It can be a good or a bad change. It can affect our lives including other people.  In order to move on with life, things must change. Change is good, and if nothing changed, then life would not exist for most people

     There are different flaws with the current system but we cannot label the entire system as bad because of some simple problems. In order to fix these problems, the system should not change but the people instead. People should change for the better. People should purposely make changes in their life, in order to experience new things, and see how one can benefit from doing things differently. Most of the time, people will find that changes help them understand things better, and enjoy life more. Change allows people to grow, not only mentally, but also physically and emotionally. People should move forward of life and stay positive and passionate. If people change, it can be a good example and can influence others. By changing for the better, people can achieve a better world.

     Change is our need to have a better world. People who take risks and make changes in their lives are very brave, and also very smart. I believe that everyone should try to mix up their lives to see what works for you. Whether or not someone likes what these changes have brought into their lives, it is still a great opportunity to learn about oneself and others. Change allows you to experience life, enjoy life, and learn a lot along the way.

Another Year for Happy Memories

     When the clock strikes twelve on December 31, a new year id about to begin again. New Year indicates that the earth revolves around the sun once again. On January 1, everyone greets "Happy New Year" to everyone. This day is marked as a national holiday.

     Every New Year, people try to make their resolutions for the year. Sometimes can be their resolutions on the past years that they didn’t achieve. Some also tend to make their resolutions but ended up not achieving any of their resolutions but some achieve other things. 

     It is not necessary to have resolutions for every year. Mostly people post on their social media accounts the phrase "New Year, New Me". If you’re already happy about your life and if the people around you are comfortable on what you are already, don’t change yourself. You need to do your best and try to overcome your weaknesses and problems and improve others things.  What important is that a year again has come to fill with joyful memorable memories.