Monday 11 February 2019

Another Year for Happy Memories

     When the clock strikes twelve on December 31, a new year id about to begin again. New Year indicates that the earth revolves around the sun once again. On January 1, everyone greets "Happy New Year" to everyone. This day is marked as a national holiday.

     Every New Year, people try to make their resolutions for the year. Sometimes can be their resolutions on the past years that they didn’t achieve. Some also tend to make their resolutions but ended up not achieving any of their resolutions but some achieve other things. 

     It is not necessary to have resolutions for every year. Mostly people post on their social media accounts the phrase "New Year, New Me". If you’re already happy about your life and if the people around you are comfortable on what you are already, don’t change yourself. You need to do your best and try to overcome your weaknesses and problems and improve others things.  What important is that a year again has come to fill with joyful memorable memories.

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